Saturday, March 04, 2006

The Greatest Book in the World

Sir Arthur Streeb-Greebling writes:

It is (or should be) common knowledge that older books on factual subjects are the best for a chuckle, as we look back on how little knew or how wrong we were. Medical books are also worth their weight in comedy gold, and of course sex - new or old - has a constant and effortless appeal.

So what could provide a richer (purple hahaha) vein of humour than an encyclopedia of sex published in 1939. Yes, for your blogging pleasure I present to you "Scott's Encyclopedia of Sex: A practical Encyclopedia Arranged in Alphabetical Order, Explanatory of Everything Pertaining to Sexual Physiology, Psychology and Pathology" by George Ryley Scott F.Z.S., FPh.S.(Eng), F.R.A.I.

Much of the beauty of this book is visual, which necessitates much scanning and uploading on my part and so we must pace ourselves to a few pictures atime.

The first thing that strikes us is the warning below...

Fortunately, none of us have purchased the book so we can plough on ahead, but no further than the next page where we are introduced to the entirity of "Laurie's Sex Education Library"...

...with our Scott's Encyclopedia of Sex sitting proudly at the top of the list. I don't know what "The History of Corporal Punishment" is doing in a sex library, and "The Sterilisation of the Unfit", "The Common Sense of Nudism", and "Sensible Sunbathing" may be borderline. But one thing is for sure, why would not want to learn more about "Sexual Apathy and Coldness in Women" as elucidated by Walter M. Gallichan.

Stay tuned next week as we discover what happens when women lie down.

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